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Archive for the Announcements Category

River Ramblings – May 2013

The state Legislature agreed to fund $9.5 million in research related activities to combat a terrifying disease known as HLB, or citrus greening that threatens to wipe out Florida’s $9 billion citrus industry and its 76,000 jobs.  2013 May Issue

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River Ramblings – April 2013

In an effort to help its grower members and the industry with building grapefruit juice inventories, the League pursued a grapefruit juice purchase by the USDA. 2013 April Issue

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River Ramblings – March 2013

With family and colleagues in attendance, J. Brantley Schirard, Sr. was inducted into the Citrus Hall of Fame on February 27, 2013. 2013 March Issue

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USDA Releases February’s Crop Estimate

The forecast for all grapefruit production is unchanged at 18.0 million boxes.  The white grapefruit forecast continues at 5.0 million boxes; the colored grapefruit forecast remains at 13.0 million boxes.  Final fruit sizes for both white and colored grapefruit are the smallest in a series which began

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USDA Releases January’s Crop Estimate

The forecast of all grapefruit production is unchanged at 18.0 million boxes.  The white grapefruit forecast continues at 5.0 million boxes; the colored grapefruit forecast remains at 13.0 million boxes.  Next forecast date is February 8. cit0113    

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USDA Releases December’s Forecast

The 2012-2013 Florida all orange December forecast released today by the USDA Agricultural Statistics Board is 146.0 million boxes and all grapefruit is 18 million boxes. Download 2012 December Forecast  

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Florida Citrus Show Brings Experts and Growers Together to Find Solutions

The latest information on production trends, grove management practices; produce marketing tips and insect and disease management strategies are the focus of the 2013 Florida Citrus Show to take place on January 23-24, 2013, at the Havert L. Fenn Center in Ft. Pierce, Florida. Download Florida Citrus

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League Successful in Obtaining USDA Grapefruit Juice Purchase

In an effort to ease the rising grapefruit juice inventory, the League requested that the USDA Agricultural Marketing Service consider a “bonus” purchase of grapefruit juice.  On April 11, the League was notified that USDA will pursue a purchase of up to 2.5 million gallons of grapefruit

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House Bill 7087 Will Mean Savings for Citrus Packinghouses

The Indian River Citrus League was elated to learn that House Bill 7087 was signed by the Governor on March 28.  The bill entitled Economic Development is an 800 million dollar package designed to encourage economic development in Florida, which included the exemption of sales tax on

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We Have a New Home Page!

We are pleased to announce that we have a new Home Page! It is part of the new facelift for our website. Our new Home Page and website feature original photography, graphics and other great resources for the Florida citrus industry and its growers. We hope you

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July 2024